Building Boats

New wooden boats – Old style!

My Boats

These are the boats that I’ve built or restored in the last few years

Lady S – New build 2012

Tender – New build 2010

Wiggy – Coronet 21 restoration 2010

Aurora II – New build 2009

Good Enough For Jazz – New build 2008

5 thoughts on “My Boats

  1. My dad built a boat just like the Lady S from a set of Playboy plans from Boat Builders Handbook in the early 1950s. What a trip down memory lane to see your site! Dad simply called his boat “Playboy” and we had many years of fun, water skiing, fishing, camping, etc. But the backstory is that dad only had a 5th or 7th grade education (can’t remember) and he was self taught in everything. After my dad got sick, my brother sold the boat (a shame) and the new owners did not take care of it, so it ended up in the boneyard. My dream is to have someone build a boat just like dad did. Just waiting to win the Lotto. The old plans from Playboy are still on the website. I think the publication was 1955 and total cost to built it was $695. Now that I could handle but not today’s price. Thanks for sharing your most excellent craftsmanship. Sue from Texas

    • Thanks for commenting Sue, that’s really interesting to hear! I had always wandered if anyone else had built this boat, having been a free plan in circulation for 60 odd years I thought there must be a few out there especially as it’s such a versatile little boat, I’ve done a bit of an internet search and not come across any others yet.
      It’s a shame to hear that your Dad’s boat went to ruin, unfortunately that happens to far too many wooden boats that aren’t cared for, I would love to see some pictures if you have any buried anywhere!
      Thanks again for getting in touch

  2. I have some black/white photos that I will dig around for. I recall the boat had a fabulous sheen due to the many, many coats of varnish and a green fiberglass bottom with a yellow horizontal stripe (I think). The cushions inside were yellow. It was very snazzy and ran beautifully with a 35HP Evinrude outdoor motor. Thanks and will be back in touch soon.

  3. Hello again,
    I dug around in several boxes and came up with a few old black/white photos. Boat1 and Boat2 are scanned at 300 dpi, but can scan them at 600 if you want to see more detail. Boat3 is scanned at 600 dpi because the photos were very small and I wanted you to be able to see more detail. Dad had a yellow bimini that we used to ward off the Texas sun. Some of these photos are not in good shape as we went through a hurricane here in 2008 and lost many photos (including an entire house!) and some I was able to dry out. A few of the boat photos were reclaimed. Advise how I can email these to you.

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